What to Teach Your Kids About Bicycle Safety

Riding a bicycle is a great way for your children to get active and get outdoors, and once they get older, it can even be a wonderful form of alternative transportation. Like with any activity, however, cycling poses its own list of safety concerns that every parent should worry about. If you want to ensure that your child rides a bike safely and responsibly, use these helpful tips.

  1. Highlight the importance of wearing a helmet. Kids may think that helmets are unimportant if they see other people riding bikes without them, but that is the farthest thing from the truth. Helmets are the best thing a person can wear to stay safe on a bike, and it’s especially important to have one that’s properly fitted. Take your child to a reputable sporting goods store or bicycle shop to ensure that his or her helmet fits properly.
  2. Ride on the right side of the road. If your children are old enough to ride bikes on the road, it is very important that they always ride on the right side of the road with the flow of traffic. Riding against the flow of traffic could cause a major accident and kids should never ride this way, even if they’re just crossing the street.
  3. Avoid riding after sunset. Though there are a variety of reflectors and bike lights made for riding at night, children are simply too young and inexperienced to ride their bikes after the sun goes down. Make sure that your children only ride their bicycles during the daytime and set a strict curfew to enforce this rule.

Bike Safety [Kids Health]
Bike [Safe Kids]
Kids and Bicycle Safety [NHTSA.gov]
Teach Your Child Well: Bicycle Safety Issues [iBike]
Riding a Bicycle [Parents Central]

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