Three Surprising Sources of Lactose

Millions of Americans suffer from lactose intolerance, a sensitivity to foods that contain the natural sugar lactose. Most often, lactose is found in dairy products such as milk and cheese, but there are some foods that contain it that you might not know about. Here are three surprising sources of lactose you should look out for:

  1. Lunch meats. Cold cut meats are great for having on hand for a quick sandwich, but they're often made with processed ingredients that include lactose. Even a small amount could be harmful to those with sensitivities. So the lactose intolerant sure to purchase farm-fresh deli meat when possible.
  2. Nougat. This creamy sweet filling in candy bars contains lactose. There are many other candies that contain lactase as well, so do your research before you indulge.
  3. "Non-dairy" creamer. This tricky label might seem like a safe choice for lactose intolerant individuals, but many brands of this milk-derived substitute still contain trace amounts of lactose. Avoid it altogether and use soy- or almond-based creamers.

8 surprising sources of lactose [Best Health Mag]
Lactose Intolerance [National Digestive Diseases Information Clearinghouse]
Learn to Detect Hidden Lactose [Cornell Women’s Health]
What is Hidden Lactose [Lactaid]

4 Diet and Weight Loss Tips for Men

Here are four diet and weight loss tips designed especially for men to help you trim down, tone up, and increase your overall health.

  1. Count your calories. Because many diet websites focus on women, their recommended diet plans might not apply to men. Be sure to work out a healthy eating plan with your doctor to ensure that you get the right amount of calories for your body type.
  2. Think about your younger years. If you played football or frequently lifted weights in your teens and twenties, think back on your healthy habits from these days when planning a weight loss plan. You can even pull out an old photo of yourself at your fittest for some inspiration.
  3. Keep a log. Use your phone or a discreet notebook to record your meals and workouts and to ensure that you stay on track.
  4. Know the risks. Men generally store fat in the upper body (which often shows up as a “beer belly”). This area is easier to lose weight in, but it can also cause heart disease if you hold on to it. Be sure to lose the weight and practice slow, steady weight loss techniques in order to keep it off.

3 Weight Loss Tips for Men [Spark People]
Weight Loss for Men [Weight Loss Resources]
Top 10: Weight Loss Motivation Tips [Ask Men]

Three Iron-Rich Foods You Might Not Know About

Consuming the right amount of iron each day prevents anemia, a condition that can lead to fatigue. This essential mineral also helps cells transport oxygen throughout the body. Adding more iron to your diet isn’t difficult when you know which foods to look for; here are three of them:

  1. Beef liver. Meat eaters have some delicious options when it comes to eating iron, with beef liver containing 5.8 milligrams per serving. Beef liver also boasts the lowest fat count in comparison to other beef products.
  2. Clams. Enjoy a tasty seafood meal while also getting your daily value of iron. Twenty small clams contain 53 milligrams.
  3. Pumpkin seeds. A great source for iron, pumpkin seeds contain 4.2 milligrams per serving. Eat them as a healthy snack in between meals.

Best Foods For Iron: 20 Foods Packed With Iron [Huffington Post]
Top 10 Iron Rich Foods [WedMD]
Top 10 Foods Highest in Iron [Healthaliciousness]
Iron Rich Foods [American Red Cross]

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