Increase Your Physical Activity with These Motivational Tips

Exercise seems like a great idea, but it can be hard to break the inertia when your couch seems so comfortable and there’s that great movie marathon on television. It can be difficult to motivate yourself to get up and go work out, but these tips from the USDA can help you to stop making excuses and finally to go for a run or visit the gym:

  • Choose activities that you can do regularly and that you enjoy. It’s easier to stick to an exercise schedule when it’s convenient.
  • Even small activities start to add up over time. Take a brisk walk every day at lunch or commit to a gentle yoga class once a week to get into a workout routine.
  • Keep your exercise shoes and clothes in your car. If you have them with you, you’ll be ready when that burst of energy strikes.
  • Join (or start!) an office softball team or lunchtime workout class. You and your co-workers can motivate each other.

For more tips on how to stay active, visit the USDA website.

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