Do Yoga at Home at 3800 Main in with These 2 Smartphone Apps

July 11, 2014 | alliance

When you flow through asanas in your bedroom at 3800 Main or frequent a local yoga studio in , the practice has been widely known to increase strength and energy and decrease stress. You can make any space your own yoga studio with these two smartphone apps.

Office Yoga
Most practiced yogis will recognize the name Darrin Zeer, and he's the renowned yoga instructor behind Office Yoga. The app is exactly what it sounds like: an app that transforms your workplace into a yoga space. You only need a small amount of space and your smartphone to complete these easy routines, which are suited to specific times of day, body parts that are ailing you, and other situations.

Simply Yoga
Simply Yoga allows users to either watch videos of instructors leading actual yoga flows, or just listen to the steps with your headphones. You can select workouts that fit into a specific amount of time or cater to your skill level, and learn the proper names for poses as they're spelled out on your screen.

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