Keep Your Closet Tidy at 3800 Main in Houston With These 4 Tips
April 3, 2015 | alliance
An untidy closet is more than just a nuisance—it's also a time-suck. Those precious moments in the morning that you waste digging around for an outfit could mean the difference between grabbing java at your favorite shop near 3800 Main and having to cope with the coffee at the office. Keep your closet organized all the time with these simple tips:
- Organize by genre. Stack all of your jeans on the same shelf, hang t-shirts and blouses in the same section, and corral all of your sweaters in a single corner of the closet. This way, you'll be able to quickly access whatever you're looking for without much thought. You might also consider putting the pieces you wear the most in the same place.
- If you don't wear it, chuck it. It's easy to let your closet get choked with clothing if you don't stay on top of your collection. Get in the habit of regularly cleaning out your closet. If you haven't worn a pair of shoes, a blouse, or a dress in more than a year, donate it. This will ensure that your closet never gets crowded.
- Pack up sweaters in the summer. There's no point in fighting through layers of sweaters when it's 90 degrees outside. Fold and pack up sweaters, parkas, and boots in the summer and stow them in the attic or under the bed. Likewise, in the colder months, put away those tank tops and flip flops.
- Hang, don't fold. Hats, shoes, and handbags can all go on the shelves, but it's easier to keep track of shirts and dresses if you hang them. Stacks of clothing tend to get sloppy and disorganized quickly.
24 Ways to Get Organized Today [Better Homes & Gardens]
How to Organize Your Closet [WikiHow]
31 Ways to Make Over Your Closets [Real Simple]