Climb Your Way to Fitness at the Texas Rock Gym

January 29, 2016 | alliance

For adventurous Houston residents looking for a workout that’s more exciting than an hour on the treadmill, try your hand at the Texas Rock Gym. This state-of-the-art facility contains sturdy climbing walls perfect for indoor rock climbing or even daring bouldering, which is similar to rock climbing but done without a rope. The routes change very often so that there’s always a new experience for frequent visitors, and if you’re a first-timer, the gym’s experienced staff of trainers are always on hand to show you the ropes—quite literally.

You’re free to bring your own climbing gear if you already own some, but if you don’t, you can also rent everything you’ll need from the pro shop at Texas Rock Gym. With its convenient location and frequent price specials on certain days of the week, everyone will feel welcome in this fun, friendly climbing gym.

Texas Rock Gym
1526 Campbell Road
Houston, TX 77055
(713) 973-7625

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