Hosting a Summer Cookout? Read These Food Safety Tips!

Barbecues and cookouts are very popular in the summertime, but the warmer temperature can be dangerous when it comes to keeping food fresh. Here are a few tips that will help you safely handle food at your next outdoor gathering.

  1. Wash your hands. This may go without saying, but many people don’t wash their hands as often as they should when it comes to handling food. Be sure to wash up before preparing food, after handling raw meat, and any time you’re serving guests.
  2. Beware of cross-contamination. Raw meat, eggs, and other bacteria-prone food items are the most common culprits of cross-contamination. Prevent the spread of bacteria by using separate cutting boards and utensils for raw meat and vegetables.
  3. Cook meat thoroughly. Even if you’re cooking over the open flame of a barbecue, it’s important to make sure that the meat cooks entirely through. Hamburgers should reach at least 160°F, while poultry should be 180°F or higher.
  4. Keep foods cold. If you’re serving potato salad or other dishes with dairy in them, make sure that they stay cold all day long. This means packing them in ice, using a well-insulated cooler, and even keeping them in the air conditioned car during transportation.

Seasonal Food Safety – Selections for Spring and Summer [USDA]
Food Safety for Summertime [MDH]
Picnic Eating and Outdoor Dining [Home Food Safety]

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