How to Strike a Balance Between Life and Work

With the technology around today, employees are pretty much always "on the clock." Still, it's important to learn techniques to help you strike a healthy balance between work and your personal life. Follow these tips to find the work-life balance that works for you.

  • Try not to be a perfectionist. Strive for excellence rather than perfection.
  • Live in the moment. When you're spending time with friends or family, put away your cell phone. Quality time is something that you should value, and you could miss a lot by always checking on your email.
  • Take care of yourself. Your body and mind need to be refreshed as well. Take some time to exercise or meditate to help lift your mood or to relieve some stress.
  • Respect your "me" time. Give yourself time to get enough rest and sleep so that you can be more productive during work hours.

6 Tips For Better Work-Life Balance [Forbes]
5 Secrets to Achieving and Maintaining Work-Life Balance [Entrepreneur]
4 Tips For Maintaining A Healthy Work-Life Balance [Career Realism]

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