Congrats to All of our latest Designees!

Brian Garlick of Altman Management, Waylon Story of Dewey Commerical;  and Nelson Delp and Ezequiel Rivera of Wesotver Companies all attained their CAMT Designation! Congrats to Jody Pierson of Westover Companies who got her CAM and Britta Bosch of Unviersity Student Housing who attained her NALP! PAA-East is so proud of all of you!  we look forward to seeing you at the awards dinner in September!

If you are interested in getting your deisgnation, go to

Pennsylvania Apartment Association Lease and Law Handbook…NOW ONLINE!

We are proud to present our new PAA Lease and Law Handbook Website!  Now, the answers and resources that you need the most are right at your finger tips.

All PAA members have FREE online access to this valuable resource! Click here for more information!

Congrats to our First Class of 2014 CAMT Designee!

Congratulations to Jeff Douglas of Westover Companies, who passed his CAMT test 2 hours after the last class! We are so prouf of you Jeff!

PAA Member Testifies in Favor of Abandoned Personal Property Bill



A big thank you to April Betau, a Regional Manager for The Kamson Corporation and a PAA Central Board Member. On Monday, March 10th, April testified in front of the Pennsylvania House Urban Affairs Committee, in favor of House Bill 1714. If passed, the bill will update Pennsylvania's Landlord and Tenant Law regarding abandoned personal property. It was voted favorably out of Committee!

Government Affairs Update – 3/7/14

Discarding Abandoned Personal Property
On Monday, March 10th, April Betau, a Regional Manager for The Kamson Corporation and a PAA Central Board Member, will testify in favor of House Bill 1714. If passed, the bill will update Pennsylvania's Landlord and Tenant Law regarding abandoned personal property. April will offer the perspective of owners of larger rental properties and their challenge with complying with the law.

Ever since Act 129 went into effect in 2012, there has been a gaping hole in guidelines for abandoned person property, when it comes to situations in which a resident has left the premises and has left no forwarding address or information, but some of their personal property remains. Currently, under Act 129, rental owners cannot simply discard abandoned items. When a resident leaves without notice or a forwarding address, owners must obtain an order of possession that contains notice to the resident about the personal property and a time frame for retrieving it. Only when the time frame is up and the owner has not received a reply from the resident, can the owner discard the personal property left behind.

It makes no sense to require owners to evict residents who are already gone–owners should be permitted to send notice to a former resident about their abandoned personal property, without having to resort to such a lengthy and costly option as an eviction proceeding. If passed, HB 1714 would mean owners would not have to go to court every time a former resident leaves behind unwanted items such as a bag of clothes or a chair.

2014 PAA Harrisburg Capitol Conference
March 31st – April 1st 

The Pennsylvania Apartment Association is getting revved up for our 2014 PAA Harrisburg Capitol Conference.
We are looking forward to having as many members with us as possible to engage in the extremely valuable talks with legislators. They need to hear from YOU, the industry experts. You care more about your industry than anyone else, and can tell them first hand about the issues that affect you on a daily basis, and the laws that could effect you for better or worse.

You don't need to be a legislative expert by any means. Participants will just be expected to talk about their business and the contributions that their properties make to their communities. Our industry contributes over $28 billion to Pennsylvania's economy every year- no community can be strong without us! Someone from the PAA Staff or Legislative Committee will be with you every step of the way.

When it comes down to it, we are the responsible property managers and apartment industry leaders. We play by the rules. We know our success depends on our delivering a good product – quality rental housing. We need to inform our legislators about how the industry works.

Click HERE to register or to find out more!
Registration deadline is Monday, March 10th.

There is no fee to attend. Hotel accommodations are NOT included. You are responsible for your own hotel arrangements. However, we have reserved a limited block of rooms at the Hilton Harrisburg at $199/per room, for the night of Monday, March 31st. First come, first served. Be sure to mention the code "PAAA" when reserving under the room block. Rooms in the room block will only be held until March 1st.

Harrisburg Hilton
One North Second Street
Harrisburg, PA 17101


Today’s PA Legislative Update Conference Call

Our first Pennsylvania Legislative Update Conference Call will be TODAY at 4:00 PM. Open to all PAA Members. Please plan to join us on our inaugural call.

The call-in number is through Free Conference Call:

         Phone Number: 605-475-4000
         Participant Access Code: 210910#

Our members are known as the apartment industry leaders in Pennsylvania and our ongoing, proactive presence in Harrisburg continues to grow. We want to keep you informed about our lobbying efforts on behalf of your Association.

In addition to our website information and regular newsletter updates covering legislative activity in Harrisburg, we will institute bi-monthly calls that will last about 20 minutes or so. We'll talk about the latest developments on the bills and issues that affect our industry, and we will discuss your questions and concerns.

We look forward to chatting with you!

Government Affairs Update – 2/7/14

Government Affairs Update – 2/7/14

Government Affairs Update – 1/24/14


Friday, January 24, 2014 


The Cannabis Controversy 

Medical marijuana is an issue that is gaining more and more attention around the country. Several states, most recently Colorado, have passed laws making it legal to use marijuana in the treatment of several medical conditions. Marijuana is evidently the best at treating certain severe symptoms and side effects. It has been shown to alleviate discomfort from "debilitating medical conditions" such as chronic pain, severe nausea, seizures, and more.


Right here in Pennsylvania there are currently four state bills pertaining to the legalization of medical marijuana, one of which will be discussed by the Senate Law and Justice Committee in Harrisburg this upcoming Tuesday.


This most recently introduced bill, SB 1182, is sponsored by State Senator Mike Folmer (R-Lebanon) and State Senator Daylin Leach (D-Montgomery). The bill would establish the Pennsylvania Medical Cannabis Board and the Bureau of Medical Cannabis Control Enforcement, which would create and regulate Compassionate Care Centers where patients approved by the state would be able to obtain a controlled amount of cannabis in any form. This would include marijuana, cannabis concentrate and cannabis-infused products.


If the bill were to be passed in its current form, it would prohibit patients from smoking cannabis in certain places such as school grounds, public beaches and parks and other public areas and anywhere that cigarette smoking is "prohibited by law or by organizational policy," such as a non-smoking apartment building. However, rental owners across the commonwealth could be asked to make reasonable accommodations for residents with proper documentation of their disability to smoke marijuana in non-smoking units. Additionally, the issue of secondhand smoke in surrounding apartment units would also be raised.


This is an election year and marijuana use is a very controversial topic. It remains to be seen how far any bill can progress in 2014. More so, Governor Tom Corbett is opposed to the legalization of medical marijuana, despite the fact that, as is expected to be seen in Colorado this year, taxes from the sale of marijuana can generate around $70 million a year.


We will follow the progress of the bills in Harrisburg and will continue our advocacy on behalf of rental owners about this issue. 




Education Funding and Taxes

State Representative Dwight Evans wants Pennsylvanians to weigh in on whether our state's sales, income, and/or business taxes should be increased in order to support public education.He has introduced a resolution, House Resolution No. 613, calling for a nonbinding referendum or ballot question, to be placed on the May 2014 primary ballot.


Representative Evans' initiative comes in the midst of continuing efforts on the part of supporters of SB76 which would eliminate property taxes to fund education, in favor of an increased income tax and an expanded sales and use tax. Sponsors admit the novel idea of eliminating property taxes is disconcerting to many and will need time to gain support. A referendum in favor of increasing taxes to fund education could make the work of eliminating property taxes a bit easier. On the other hand, a thumbs down would make their "heavy lift" exponentially heavier.


The Resolution was referred to the House Education Committee on January 15.



2014 PAA Harrisburg Capitol Conference:
March 31st – April 1st


This is your chance to be heard by legislators. Help us tell Harrisburg what apartment communities mean to Pennsylvania. Join the Pennsylvania Apartment Association in Harrisburg for their Annual Meeting and Dinner on the evening of March 31st. The following day will include meetings on the hill with your legislators, as well as breakfast and lunch, compliments of PAA.

Click here to register or to find out more!
Registration deadline is Monday, March 10th.


Member Generosity Brings Much Joy

The incredible  generosity of AAGP Members was on full display at our Annual Holiday Party, on December 10 at the Union League. Members were asked to bring an unwrapped toy that would be distributed to Military Families this holiday season via Operation HomeFront. The response was overwhelming. Our members donated over  170 toys, along with $320.

Operation HomeFront Executive Director, Pete Stinson and service members were on hand to collect the donation for an upcoming Holiday Party in our area. The cash donation helped defray the cost of the party.  The children in attendance were treated to a visit from Santa and a toy.

Thank you for your wonderful generosity.

Happy Holidays from AAGP!

Onward and Upward- Multifamily Permits and Rental Households Climb

A recent report from Harvard University confirms several trends in the multifamily industry. More Americans are renting by choice, vacancies are down and multifamily development is up.  And the need for more affordable rental housing shows the irreplaceable role rental housing plays in every community.

Harvard’s Joint Center for Housing Studies has released an annual State of the Nation’s Housing report since 1988. Their 2012 report highlights the economic and demographic trends driving the country’s housing demand.  The national rental vacancy rate fell to 8.7 percent in 2012, according to the report, the lowest level since 2001.  Market conditions for professionally managed apartments were even stronger, with average vacancy rates at 4.9 percent.  The brisk pace of growth in renter households is the reason for the rise in construction of new rental units by 258,000 in 2012, the report surmised. Multifamily building permits in many markets have surged past average levels seen in the 2000’s and activity in Austin, Raleigh and Bridgeport “approached all time highs.”

But the gap between the supply of affordable housing and demand for low-income quality rental housing reached 5.3 million in 2012, the report noted. The National Apartment Association welcomed Harvard’s report as an affirmation of the quality and professionalism of the nation’s rental housing owners and operators.  Doug Culkin, President of the NAA expressed the NAA’s disappointment over the fact that so many Americans continue to struggle to find safe and affordable housing. “NAA and its affiliates look forward to continuing to work with policymakers at all levels of government on sensible and effective strategies to meet this need,” he said. 

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