New Designates to be Announced at AAGP Banquet Sept. 13

Dozens of local industry members earned an NAAEI professional designation this year, and AAGP will be announcing their names at our September 13th banquet. Congratulations to all of you who earned your CAM, CAS, CAMT, CAPS, NALP Designation, or the Advanced Instructor Training Certificate. Earning a designation is quite an achievement and you should feel very proud.

NALP 3-Day Designation Course at AAGP Oct. 17-19

AAGP offers the 3-Day NALP Leasing Designation training in Bala Cynwyd just once a year.  Now is the perfect time to sign up and secure your spot at our October 17-18 & 19 series. To earn the NALP designation, you need to attend the 3-day program, pass an online exam, and then visit 2 competing properties, evaluate them and present your findings back at AAGP.  You can do it! Registration is now open at    Flyer.

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