Easy Ways to Incorporate More Iron Into Your Diet

While you may think that iron is only important to bodybuilders and Popeye, it’s actually a very beneficial mineral that all humans need to survive. In fact, if your body doesn’t get enough iron you could start to suffer from anemia, an iron-deficiency that causes fatigue, weakness, and brittle nails and hair. These healthful foods will help to provide you with the right amount of iron each day.

  1. Mollusks. Seafoods like clams, oysters, and mussels have some of the highest levels of iron of any food groups. Oysters contain the most, offering 53 milligrams of iron in just a 20-count serving. Because the average person’s recommended percent daily value is just 18 milligrams per day, this means that you can get 295% of your daily value from an weekly oyster night at your favorite seafood spot.
  2. Liver. While you may have hated liver and onions as a child, liver is actually filled with quite a few health benefits. Beef liver is very low in fat and calories, and it also provides an incredible 26 milligrams of iron in just one 4-ounce serving. If you don’t eat beef, you can also get similar amounts of iron from chicken, pork, lamb, or turkey liver.

Best Foods for Iron [Huffington Post]
Top 10 Iron-Rich Foods [WebMD]
Top 10 Foods Highest in Iron [Healthaliciousness]
Iron Rich Foods [American Red Cross]

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