How to Clean and Disinfect Smartphones, Tablets and Other Gadgets

By now, most people have heard all of the frightening statistics about the number of germs on your cell phone, your computer keyboard, and even on your brand new tablet. If all of this information is starting to make you wary of your electronic devices, these simple tips will help you to keep them clean and germ-free.

  1. Computer mouse. You touch your computer mouse all day long while working or browsing the web, so every now and then you should run a pre-moistened disinfecting cloth over the entire surface of the mouse.
  2. Touch-screen phone or tablet. While touch screens may seem difficult to clean, all it takes is a dry cloth and a scratch-free cleaning wipe designed for electronics to get them looking (and feeling) spotless.
  3. Computer keyboard. Because your computer keyboard contains so many nooks and crannies, you’ll want to clean it using the hose or other tube-like attachment on your household vacuum. Next, gently swab the surface of the keys and the keyboard’s outer edges with a pre-moistened disinfecting wipe (well-wrung, if the wipe is particularly wet). Be sure to disconnect the keyboard before beginning to clean it.
  4. Remote control. If you’ve ever seen a young child put a remote control in his or her mouth, you’ll understand why it’s so important to wipe yours with a disinfecting wipe at least once per week.

How to Clean and Disinfect a Keyboard, Smartphone, Remote Control, etc. [Moms Against Cooties]
How to Safely Disinfect and Clean Your Gadgets [Lifehacker]
How to Clean Your PC, Smartphone and Tablet [TechAdvisor]

Check Out These Helpful Android Apps for New Parents

You just had a baby, and with the surplus of advice you’ve been given things may start to feel a bit overwhelming. Although it may seem out of the ordinary, your Android phone could be one of your most reliable resources for managing a baby-proofed household. Here are two great Android apps that will help new parents stay organized and free of stress:

Baby Care
Track your baby’s growth and daily activities with Baby Care, a detailed organization app for parents. The app enables you to effortlessly remember when your little one last napped, ate and went to the bathroom, and it also measures his or her height and weight throughout infancy.

My Baby Today
Similar to a social media site, My Baby Today enables new parents to connect with other new parents to share advice, funny stories and support through the struggles of parenting. Helpful checklists will keep you organized, personalized daily reminders keep you informed about your baby’s development and the photo album will ensure that you never forget a moment.

Sounds for Baby Sleep Music
If your baby is a fussy sleeper, the soothing sounds and relaxing music on the Sounds for Baby Sleep Music app may help to lull him or her into dreamland. Choose from eight distinct sounds to target the one that your little one likes best.

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