Picking Apples? Take a Look at These Handy Comparison Guides to Apples!

If you’re heading out to an apple orchard this weekend, you’ll likely find a wide variety of different types of apples to choose from. Some apples are better for baking, while others have a crisp taste that’s perfect for eating as an on-the-go snack. These handy comparison guides will help you to choose the perfect apples, no matter what you want to use them for.

Comparing Apples to Apples [theyummylife.com]
This chart offers a number of different uses for the most common types of apples. It lists apples like McIntosh, Pink Lady and Red Delicious and also includes comments on how tart or sweet they each taste. The chart then provides a ranking for each apple for how well they can be used for things like baking, making apple juice or just eating raw.

Apple Varieties for Cooking, Baking and Cider [Washington State University]
Washington State University’s website offers a similar chart for apple uses, but it includes non-culinary uses as well. Whether you want to find the perfect type of apple for your fall pies or the best one to use to ferment for hard cider, this list is a great resource.

A Visual Guide to Apples [Epicurious]
If you’re more of a visual learner, this chart from Epicurious is perfect for you. It provides detailed photographs of each type of apple so that you can easily identify them at the orchard.

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