Riva Row Boat House: Spend the Afternoon Floating Downriver

The Riva Row Boat House is one of The Woodlands’ most popular community amenities. Located within walking distance of both Market Street and the Cynthia Woods Mitchell Pavilion, this beautiful, rustic boat house offers residents a way to rent kayaks and experience a unique view of the Woodlands Waterway.

Both single or tandem kayaks are available, and they cost just $15 to $20 for the first hour. Guests are able to determine their own route down the waterway, and if you choose to row all the way to the end of the route you’ll find a beautiful lake right next to North Shore Park. Whether you go solo, with a date, or even bring your dog along for the ride, the Riva Row Boat House offers the perfect outdoor activity for a hot Texas day.

The Riva Row Boat House is open year round, though its hours are different throughout the year. Check the informative website for more information about kayak rental times and rates.

Riva Row Boat House
2101 Riva Row
The Woodlands, TX 77380
(281) 210-3965

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