How to Plant Your Very Own Windowsill Herb Garden

Want to have fresh herbs right at your fingertips — without having to stop at the grocery store or farmers' market? Consider growing your own! Use these simple tips for planting a windowsill herb garden right in your own apartment.

  • Choose the window. An herb garden requires at least five hours of direct sunlight per day, as well as a temperature of 60 to 70 degrees Fahrenheit.
  • Buy starter plants. Unless you’re an expert gardener, your best bet is to start with grown plants rather than seeds. Chives, oregano, mint, rosemary, and thyme are among the easiest herbs to grow indoors.
  • Choose the right pots. Most people use terra cotta pots for their herbs because they are attractive and affordable. Be sure to choose pots with holes at the bottom for drainage and a saucer underneath to catch excess water. Herbs do well in pots that are 6- to 12-inches deep.
  • Add well-draining soil. Herbs require a lightweight potting mix that prevents against common diseases. Add 2 to 3 inches in the bottom of your pot, gently add the herb, and then cover to about an inch below the top of the pot.
  • Don’t over-water. Herbs require a regular watering schedule, but they don’t need to be watered every day. Water close to the soil, avoiding the leaves, whenever you notice your plant drooping.

Windowsill Herb Gardens [Epicurious]
10 Most Common Herb Garden Mistakes [About Home]
How to Start an Indoor Herb Garden [Spark People]

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