4 Fun Ways to Recycle Old Magazines

We all have a stockpile of magazines somewhere in our home. Sure, you could simply toss them in the recycling bin, but why not use them in creative ways around the house? Check out these great uses for old magazines.

Use magazines as gift wrap. It seems to be the law of nature that you always use up a roll of wrapping paper halfway through wrapping a gift. Stop buying that expensive wrapping paper and use old magazines. The glossy pages make the gifts fun and bright. You can even turn magazine pages into gift bows. Check out an easy tutorial here.

Make a paper flower centerpiece. Flowers are an easy way to brighten up your home, but they tend to die quickly. Make flowers that last forever out of old magazines. It's easy and quick to do; just follow the instructions here.

Design your own jewelry. Make your own one-of-a-kind pieces of jewelry out of paper. Experiment with different color and sizes to design bracelets, necklaces, earrings, and more. Watch this great YouTube video to learn how to make paper beads.

Make unique coasters. Protect the table surfaces in your house with recycled coasters. These coasters are made by weaving strips of paper together. All you need are some magazines and scissors. Check out these great instructions. If you're feeling especially crafty, make a whole set. These coasters also make great gifts.

Make a Gift Bow Out of Scrap Paper [Crafting a Green World]
How to Make Flowers with Magazine Paper [Fab Mum]
How-To Make Recycled Paper Beads, Threadbanger [YouTube]
Start Weaving Magazine Coasters [Fidgety Fingers]

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