4 Craft Inspiration Apps

Crafting encompasses a lot of different hobbies from drawing, painting, knitting, scrapbooking, and more. Instead of turning to books when you need inspiration, there are now a lot of apps available right at the tip of your fingers. Check out these apps when you want to get crafty!

With categories designed for crafts and DIY, Pinterest is a great place to start looking for inspiration for a new project or store projects you want to try. Just save your favorite pins, and you will have all your project inspiration available when you need them.

All the resources of the crafting store is in one place with Michaels' app. There is a shopping list creator, daily inspiration, and tips for projects. 

Stuck on what to make next? Turn to Craftgawker, a visual inspiration board devoted to crafts. With crafts of all types from paper projects to knitting you are sure to find something. Save your favorite projects to come back to later. 

Craft Finder
Find crafts based on age and skill level. You can organize crafts by completed, work in progress, or projects you want to make. Each craft comes with step by step instructions to walk you through each project.

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