Feel the Burn With These 3 Workout Tracker Apps

From counting calories to tracking the miles you run, monitoring your workout plan can start to seem like it’s taking over your life. These innovative smartphone apps can simplify the way that you track your workouts, and they may even make your routine more effective, as well!

Just like a personal trainer right in your pocket, FitnessBuilder guides you through complex workout programs and offers detailed instructions on any moves that you’re unfamiliar with. It also provides statistics like fat loss, weight loss, and strength progress that you can convert into PDF form and email or print as often as you like.

Daily Burn
This is the ideal app for just about anyone on any device, from your computer to your iPhone and even your Playstation console. It offers a number of workout videos for a wide variety of exercises, and you can even track how your results compare to other users online.

With MyFitnessPal, you’ll never have to rack your brain counting calories again. The app determines how many calories you should consume daily based on your current weight, age, and weight loss goals, and then it compares the food you eat throughout the day to that number. The incredibly large database contains nutrition information for just about any food or drink imaginable, so you’ll always know how many calories you have left to take in.

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