Keep It Clean: Home Maintenance in Just Minutes a Day

Do you feel that your home falls instantly back into its messy state just a day or so after you clean it? Well, you're not alone. Hectic lives mean that it's not always possible to clean your space thoroughly every day. But paying attention to a few critical spots can help keep things feeling clean, even if you've just got a few minutes to spend each day. What are the most important spots?

Keep your sink clear of dishes — use your dishwasher or do them by hand. Afterward, wipe the sink, the stove, the counters, and the kitchen table.

Sure, we're all in a rush these days. But a few minutes spent making the bed can make everything a little more pleasant. Likewise, keeping your clothes put away in closets, chests, or hampers helps reduce clutter.

Spend some time cleaning the sink, the toilet bowl, and the tub or shower. A shower spray lets you make the last task much more efficient.

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