Steer Clear of These 4 Foods Before Boarding a Plane

March 24, 2015 | sack

Pre-flight jitters can be exacerbated by eating the wrong foods before take-off. However, there are ways that you can calm your stomach before your flight. Avoid these four foods before flying to keep your digestive tract in good spirits.

  1. Alcohol. Although many travelers use alcohol to soothe their nerves before a flight, if you have a sensitive stomach this is not the best idea. Alcohol also becomes more intense at higher altitudes, which can cause you to feel much tipsier in the air than you did on the ground.
  2. Greasy foods. If you’re in a rush to eat lunch before running to the terminal, avoid that greasy burger and fries. Many studies prove that your body has a much harder time digesting sodium and saturated fats at higher altitudes, which means that your supersized meal will start to feel even more supersized in the air.
  3. Beans. Avoid foods that are known to make you gassy, such as beans, cabbage, or broccoli, as bloating will cause even more discomfort at high altitudes.
  4. Carbonated drinks. Sodas and energy drinks cause dehydration, which is already problematic during air travel. Opt for hydrating water instead.

Five Foods to Avoid Before Flying [Independent Traveler]
10 Foods to Avoid Before Boarding a Plane [AARP]
What Not to Eat Before Flying! [NerdWallet]
8 Foods You Should Never Eat Before Flying [Yahoo! Travel]

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