124 Castro StMountain View, CA 94041650.447.3000 Craft beer and seafood? Mmm. Give them a try, they just opened.
572 E El Camino RealSunnyvale, CA 94087 Arguably, some of the best fried chicken we’ve ever had. Super crispy and delicious. Avoid rush hour by order ahead of time.
585 E El CaminoSunnyvale, CA 94087 (650) 449-8888 Stressed? Try Relaxing foot spa. $20 for a full body massage, just don’t forget to tip!

685 San Antonio Rd STE 15Mountain View, CA 94040 Hand-crafted juices, smoothies, and acai bowls can always be found at this neighborhood juice bar! In addition to a wide variety of cold-pressed juices, juice cleanses and healthy snacks, Nékter Juice Bar offers gluten-free, dairy-free, vegan and customized options to meet your individual dietary wants and […]

From 5Ks to marathons, running is a great way to stay in shape, and these functions are also a great way to help the community you live in. On Saturday, August 6, 2016, San Leandro Marina Park will be the home to the Summer Breeze Half Marathon, 10K & 5K, which benefits a fitness-focused local […]