Fill Your Tank: What to Eat Before a Workout


The foods that you eat before your workout can make all the difference when it comes to feeling energized and seeing results. If you’re unsure about what types of foods to eat for an added boost of energy, check out these great snack and meal ideas. Wheat toast with peanut butter and banana. Slice up […]

Steer Clear of These 4 Foods Before Boarding a Plane


Pre-flight jitters can be exacerbated by eating the wrong foods before take-off. However, there are ways that you can calm your stomach before your flight. Avoid these four foods before flying to keep your digestive tract in good spirits. Alcohol. Although many travelers use alcohol to soothe their nerves before a flight, if you have […]

High Fructose Corn Syrup Hides in These Common Foods


While you might suspect that packaged foods like sodas and candies contain high fructose corn syrup, this processed ingredient actually lurks in many places that you wouldn’t expect. Here are a few surprising sources of high fructose corn syrup that you should avoid if you’re trying to eat healthfully. Yogurt. While most people consider yogurt […]

5 Easy Ways to Improve Your Memory


We’ve all been there: You get to the grocery store and completely blank on what you need to buy, or maybe you forget the names of people you know you’ve met a dozen times. If you want to learn how to improve your memory and avoid these situations, these five tips can help. Get enough […]

6 Healthy, Low-Sodium Recipes That Don’t Sacrifice Taste


When you begin a low-sodium diet, you may worry about not being able to eat your favorite foods. Because the majority of the sodium you consume comes from canned, frozen, or processed foods, it can be easy to continue to eat the things you love, provided they’re made fresh instead. Here are a few delicious […]

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