Get Some Studying Done at the Daniel Library

August 23, 2016 | greystar

As the school library for The Citadel, The Military College of South Carolina, Daniel Library plays an important role in the daily lives of students and faculty alike. It serves as a quiet spot to study, a place to dive deeper into current research, and a building where group work is always encouraged. But it's also open to the public.

That means that anyone with a library card can come check out books and DVDs, and even those who aren't card holders are welcome at special events and exhibits at the library. The library plays host to The Citadel Museum, which currently holds an exhibit that educates guests on the history of The Military College of South Carolina, starting back when it was opened in 1842. The museum may have other locally relevant exhibits in the future, so keep your eyes peeled and learn a little history while you're browsing the shelves at Daniel Library.

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