Hearing Loss: What You Can Do

Hearing loss is the third leading health problem for people over 50, surpassed only by arthritis and hypertension. It’s a natural consequence of getting older; even if you worked in a quiet library all your life, your hearing is likely to dull with age.

The problem can sneak up on you. It typically occurs gradually, with extreme frequencies (high or low-pitched sounds) affected more than others. Often this results in temporary difficulty understanding speech, which can easily be blamed on other factors. By the time hearing loss affects your lifestyle, it may be too late to correct.

If you find yourself routinely asking people to repeat themselves or turning up the television volume beyond others’ comfort level, hearing loss may be a problem. Another sign may be buzzing or ringing in the ear, especially after leaving a noisy environment. If you have these symptoms, see your doctor for a hearing test. When caught early, hearing loss can usually be corrected to an almost normal state.

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