Managing Your Money During Retirement

You saved, sacrificed, and planned ahead for retirement. But now that you’re able to kick back and enjoy life, money management poses some unique challenges. Whether you’re newly retired or a long-term retiree who wants to maintain financial stability, consider these tips to get the most from your money.

Budgeting. On a fixed income, budgeting is more important than ever. When making a long-term budget, make sure to factor in fluctuating or tough-to-predict expenses like insurance, medication, and long-term care options.

Debt. Debt can wreak havoc on your savings and your ability to live life to the fullest. When possible, pay down your debt. This will not only create long-term stability, it will help aid your peace of mind.

Health. Staying mentally, physically, and socially active will improve your health and save you money. Take a class, a walk, a day trip, or go for a meal with friends. A little prevention now will pay off down the road.



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