What to Do Over Labor Day Weekend in Harrisburg: Attend the 100th Anniversary of Kipona

August 26, 2016 | desouzabrown

If you've yet to attend Harrisburg's Kipona Festival, 2016 is a good time to start! This year marks the 100th anniversary of Kipona, which held its inaugural festival way back in 1916. That was when Harrisburg saw the completion of the Dock Street Dam and the river steps. To commemorate the achievements, Harrisburg's yearly Water Festival was reborn as Kipona, a name that translates to “on sparkling water” in North American Indian.

In 2016, Kipona will celebrate its 100th birthday with a three-day-long festival that's bigger and better than ever. Taking place over Labor Day weekend, the event will include a wide range of events, from a Native American pow wow, canoe races along the waterfront, and a crabcake-eating contest to carnival games, basketball and soccer tournaments, and a "Doggie Olympics" competition that'll feature a kissing booth with a puppy! Extra-special this year is the Centennial Kipona History Walk, which'll pop up along the Walnut Street Bridge. And, of course, who can forget the fireworks displays?

Kipona Festival and Fireworks 2016
Sept. 3-5
Where: Riverfront Park, N Front St, Harrisburg, PA 17101
Cost: Free to attend; pay-as-you-go vendors

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