Clever Egg Decorating Ideas for Spring

April 5, 2017 | desouzabrown

Will you be dyeing eggs this season? Think beyond your standard vinegar-and-food-coloring kits with these unique tutorials! Happy spring!

Shaving Cream Easter Eggs []
Have an extra can of shaving cream on hand? Put it to good use with this easy DIY. Spread shaving cream in a glass baking dish, then dot the shaving cream with three to four colors of food coloring. Then, use a toothpick or a knife to create a swirl pattern with the food coloring. Roll your hard-boiled eyes across the shaving cream, then allow them to dry for 10 minutes. Wipe off the shaving cream and admire your handiwork!

Rice-Dyed Easter Eggs []
This relatively mess-free project creates speckled eggs, and it couldn't be easier! Fill a lidded container with uncooked rice and a few drops of food coloring. Then, add your hardboiled egg (shell still on) to the container, pop on the lid, and shake the egg all around until it's coated in dye.

Sharpie Tie-Dye Eggs []
This clever tutorial sidesteps food coloring in favor of Sharpie markers. Simply draw upon the egg shell with any colors you'd like, then use a Q-tip dipped in nail polish remover to swirl and blend the colors. The result is a kaleidoscopic, tie-dyed effect.

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