Maintenance Requests

A friendly reminder to our residents and guests, maintenance is here to handle your service requests Monday-Friday from 9 a.m.-5:30 p.m. Visit us online at to submit your request, our site is even optimized for smart phone users for your convenience!

Service requests will be handled after office hours if they are emergencies. We define EMERGENCIES as the following:
• No electricity
• Broken or non-working exterior doors, locks, windows
• No heat (when outside temperature is below 50)
• No air conditioning (when outside temperature is above 90)
• No water
• Commode not working (one bath apartments only)
• Flooding
• Broken pipes
• Fire (call 911 immediately)
• After business hours, emergency service requests can be reported by calling the office. The on-duty service technician will be notified and will respond as quickly as possible.

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