How Many Calories Does Physical Activity Burn?

Physical activity of any kind is always good for you, but some activities are better than others. To find out which types of physical activity burn the most calories (and to see where your favorite exercises rank), check out these interesting facts from the USDA. Here's some of its highlights:

  • The more a person weighs, the more calories he or she will burn.
  • Physical activities are grouped into two types, rigorous and moderate.
  • In one hour, an average man (5’ 10” and 154 pounds) will burn 330 calories from playing golf.
  • In one half hour, that same man will burn 140 calories just from walking at a normal pace.
  • Performing a more vigorous activity, like running or jogging, will burn 590 calories in an hour.
  • If you only have 30 minutes, another vigorous activity like lifting heavy weights or playing basketball will still burn about 220 calories.

This chart proves that the smallest activities can really add up. Even if you only have a short amount of time or you’re feeling a bit tired, any type of physical activity is better than nothing at all.

For more information about calories and physical activity, visit this informative chart from the USDA.

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