Marconi Automotive Museum: A Dream Come True for a Life-Long Car Lover

December 11, 2015 | sack

If you're a car lover (or if you know a car lover), a day's worth of fun awaits only two miles from Estrella at the Marconi Automotive Museum. It's named for Dick Marconi, a California transplant from Indiana. He moved here with his family in the 1950s and made his living as an entrepreneur, which led him to want to give back to his adopted community. As an avid lover of automobiles, it only made sense to open the Marconi Automotive Museum.

He did just that in 1994 along with wife Priscilla. Together, they collected an array of roadsters ranging from race cars to contemporary Italian cars. This means car enthusiasts of all types should find something to ogle at the Marconi Automotive Museum. What's more, the museum doubles as an event venue, is the proceeds are doled out amoung various charities for children.

Marconi Automotive Museum
1302 Industrial Drive
Tustin, CA 92780
(714) 258-3001

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