Friday, January 10, 2025

How to Safely Exercise Outdoors During the Summer

Even if you’re a very fit person, exercising outdoors in hot summer weather can be dangerous. Unless you take the necessary precautions, the heat and humidity can cause dehydration, dizziness, and exhaustion. Here are a few smart tips to help you exercise safely outside all summer long.

  • Stay hydrated. This one may seem obvious, but dehydration is the leading cause of illness and injury during hot weather exercise. Be sure to drink a lot of water not only during and after exercise, but also beforehand to fuel your body for your workout.
  • Choose smart times. Because the sun is lower (and so is the temperature) during the morning and evening, these are the smartest times to exercise outdoors.
  • Wear the right clothes. While you might wear sweatpants to exercise outdoors in the fall, you should invest in something lightweight and absorbent in the summer. Try synthetic fabrics like Spandex and Lycra, as these wick away moisture.
  • Listen to your body. Even if you’ve only been running for 10 minutes, that might be too much for your body in the dog days of summer. If you start to feel lightheaded and dizzy while exercising, make sure that you stop or slow down, no matter how long it’s been.

5 Ways to Exercise Safely in the Heat [U.S. News]
8 Tips for Exercising in Summer Heat [Active]
Essential Tips for Outdoor Exercise [Arm & Hammer]

What’s In Season? Your Guide to Spring Produce

Spring is a bountiful time of the year when it comes to fresh produce, but it always helps to know exactly what’s in season. If you want to purchase only the freshest, most flavorful fruits and veggies and ensure that they last as long as possible in your fridge, use these helpful tips for understanding spring produce.

  1. Artichokes. Whether you use them on pizzas or add them to your salads, artichokes are a great way to add flavor and nutrients to your meals. Their main harvest takes place during the springtime, so look for artichokes with close, compact leaves and clean-cut stems.
  2. Asparagus. This popular veggie is found in a number of high-end restaurants, but you can easily prepare it at home if you purchase it fresh in the springtime. The thickness doesn’t necessarily indicate tenderness, so don’t overlook thinner or thicker spears at your grocery store.
  3. Carrots. While carrots are commonly found in grocery stores year-round, they taste best during the spring season. Only purchase bundles that are firm to the touch for maximum freshness.
  4. Leafy greens. Nutrient-rich veggies like chard, kale, and other cooking greens tend to turn bitter during hot summer months, so purchase them in the spring for the best taste.
  5. Fennel. If you’ve never cooked with fennel, experiment with this green (a relative of celery) when it comes into season during the warmer springtime.
  6. Grapefruit. Create a nutritious breakfast by adding grapefruit, which starts to become plump and juicy in January.

Spring Produce: Your Guide to Picking the Best [Greatist]
What’s in Season? Spring [Fruits and Veggies More Matters]
Fresh Spring Fruits and Vegetables [About Food]

The How and Why of Post-Workout Cool-Downs

While the suggested cool-down period may seem unnecessary, experts agree that it is actually one of the most essential parts of your workout. Here are a few reasons why you should cool down after exercising — and how to do it properly.

  • Know the effects. Working out raises your heart rate, dilates your blood vessels, and increases your body’s temperature. Cooling down helps bring these factors back to normal gradually.
  • Care for your muscles. Cooling down should also include thorough stretching, as it reduces the build-up of lactic acid in your muscles and prevent cramping or stiffness.
  • Walk until you’re cooled down. Walk for at least five minutes, or longer if your workout was very intense. Stop once your heart rate gets back to 120 beats per minute.
  • Stretch thoroughly. Stretch each of your limbs for at least 30 seconds, making sure that you don’t bounce or overextend your muscles. Make sure to breathe while you’re stretching.
  • Stay hydrated. As with all parts of exercise, you should make sure to drink water after working out to help prevent dehydration.

Warm Up, Cool Down []
How to Stretch After a Workout [Nerd Fitness]
7 Crucial Stretches for Post-Workout [Cheat Sheet]
Recovery: The Truth About Stretching [Web MD]

The Skinny on Fats: 5 Facts You Need to Know

When it comes to losing weight and maintaining a healthy diet, calories aren’t the only things that you should be concerned with. Fats are an essential part of a healthy eating plan, but if consumed in excess they can also be very dangerous. Here are five key facts about fats.

  1. There are four main types of fats: saturated fats, trans fats, monounsaturated fats, and polyunsaturated fats. As a general rule, saturated fats and trans fats are the “bad” fats, and they should be avoided.
  2. All fats contain nine calories per gram, no matter which type of fat it is. Just because monounsaturated fats and polyunsaturated fats are better for you, they can still cause you to gain weight just as quickly as the “bad” fats if not limited.
  3. Fats are necessary because they promote cell growth, protect your organs, and give your body energy.
  4. Even if a pre-packaged food is labeled “trans fat-free,” it might still contain saturated fats, and vice versa. Real, whole foods like fruits, vegetables, and lean meats are always a healthier choice.
  5. Fats are a major part of a healthy diet, depending on which foods you choose. Things like vegetable oils, nuts, fish, legumes, avocados, and low-fat dairy products are good sources of healthy fats.

Know Your Fats [American Heart Association]
Different Types of Fat [Health Check]
Choosing Healthy Fats []
Fats 101 [American Heart Association]

Three Surprising Sources of Lactose

Millions of Americans suffer from lactose intolerance, a sensitivity to foods that contain the natural sugar lactose. Most often, lactose is found in dairy products such as milk and cheese, but there are some foods that contain it that you might not know about. Here are three surprising sources of lactose you should look out for:

  1. Lunch meats. Cold cut meats are great for having on hand for a quick sandwich, but they're often made with processed ingredients that include lactose. Even a small amount could be harmful to those with sensitivities. So the lactose intolerant sure to purchase farm-fresh deli meat when possible.
  2. Nougat. This creamy sweet filling in candy bars contains lactose. There are many other candies that contain lactase as well, so do your research before you indulge.
  3. "Non-dairy" creamer. This tricky label might seem like a safe choice for lactose intolerant individuals, but many brands of this milk-derived substitute still contain trace amounts of lactose. Avoid it altogether and use soy- or almond-based creamers.

8 surprising sources of lactose [Best Health Mag]
Lactose Intolerance [National Digestive Diseases Information Clearinghouse]
Learn to Detect Hidden Lactose [Cornell Women’s Health]
What is Hidden Lactose [Lactaid]

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