Via 313: Dare To Be Square

The interesting thing about pizza is how many regional styles there are. New York has their thin crusts, Chicago the deep dish, but Detroit? And not only that, Detroit-style pizza in Texas? It’s real. Via 313 (with that number being the area code of the Detroit metropolitan area) was opened by two brothers from Michigan in a small trailer in East Austin with the intention of showing the town a new style of pizza pies. Detroit-style pizza is made in a square pan like a classic Sicilian, but with a little twist – it’s “upside down.” To make it, you start with dough, then add meat, cheese, and other toppings, and then finally finish with the sauce on top before throwing it in the oven. It seems ridiculous, but it works, and Via 313 has built a dedicated clientele who love it. Their topping combinations are delicious, their crust is perfect. Well worth the trip.

Via 313
1111B E. 6th Street
Austin, TX 78702
(512) 939-1927

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