Delicious Football-Themed Desserts for Game Day

Whether you’re hosting your own football viewing party or attending a game day potluck at a friend’s house, there are a number of football-themed desserts that your fellow fans will love. Here are three great recipes that will sweeten up the big game.

Pumpkin Football Cakes []
The pumpkin flavor makes these whoopie pie-style cakes perfect for the fall season, and their football shape makes them feel truly festive. This simple recipe even shows you how to make your own buttercream frosting for the football’s stitches.

Pull Apart Touchdown Cupcakes []
Create a miniature replica of the football field using delicious cupcakes with this fun and creative DIY recipe. Bright green icing with white details create the field itself, while cookie sticks, gummy candies, and marshmallows add the teams and the finishing touches.

Chocolate Covered Strawberry Footballs []
While you might think of chocolate covered strawberries as an elegant dessert, this cute and quirky recipe brings them down to earth just in time for the big game. By simply melting white chocolate, you can use it to transform the strawberries into realistic footballs that your guests will adore. Because this recipe doesn’t require any baking, this is one that the kids can even help make!

4 Tips for Serving a Safe Food Buffet

If you’re hosting a large party, you’re likely concerned with serving tasty foods, but your goal should also be to keep those foods safe for your guests. Here are a few helpful tips that will keep your food buffet just as healthy as it is delicious.

  1. Wash your hands. The first thing you should do when preparing a food buffet is wash your hands. This prevents you from spreading germs to your guests, but it also helps to keep you safe from food borne illnesses caused by raw meat, eggs, and other ingredients. Be sure to wash your hands each time you refill the buffet, as well.
  2. Cook foods completely. It’s safe to keep foods out on a buffet, provided that they’re cooked properly beforehand. Meats like beef and pork chops should be cooked to at least 145º F, while chicken and poultry should reach at least 165º F.
  3. Use the proper serving tools. If you’re serving hot foods, be sure to store them in a chafing dish, slow cooker, or warming tray to keep them from changing temperature. Cold dishes can be served in nesting bowls over bowls of ice, and they must stay at 40°F or lower in order to stop the growth of bacteria.
  4. Abide by the two-hour rule. Finally, never let foods sit on a buffet for more than two hours. Tossing food that’s been at room temperature for too long will ensure a safe and healthy party.

Serving Up Safe Buffets [FDA]
Serving Prepared Foods Safely [Whole Foods]
Holiday or Party Buffets [USDA]
Buffet Safety [NSF]

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