By now many capable chefs have disproven the notion that vegetarian fare can't be utterly delicious. Austin's Conscious Cravings continues to impress diners with its delightful vegetarian food, charming many a carnivore at first bite. Conscious Cravings's Chimchurri Seitan Wrap explodes with the same flavorful intensity of a marinated flank steak sandwich. (Seitan is a wheat protein a little tougher than tofu). Its Bella – portabella mushroom topped with onions and olives and dressed in vegan mayo – imports Italian sensibilities sans the meatballs. And lest you think that eating such healthful, delicious food might set you back a pretty penny, be comforted that eating here won't break the bank. Conscious Cravings's wraps and salads cost just $5 apiece. Substitute quinoa-rice pilaf for wheat tortillas and a great meal's still just $6. It's good for your wallet, body, and soul!
Conscious Cravings
1910 Rio Grande Road
Austin, TX 78705
(512) 785-0546