Classic Computer Games

December 11, 2012 | greystar

These days, 3-D games like Call of Duty and Skyrim are all the rage, but the long history of computer games includes an array of classics with inventive gameplay and compelling plots. Here are a few classic computer games you might have played.

Space Quest
This Sierra adventure series follows the travails of intergalactic janitor Roger Wilco as he travels across space, solving puzzles, battling aliens, and cracking jokes. Sierra's adventure games featured an interesting text-parser dynamic that complemented their unique visuals with a robust action system, inspired by early interactive fiction like Zork.

Lord British's long running RPG series pioneered the open-world gameplay that's a hallmark of games like Skyrim. In addtition to the standard explore dungeons & kill monsters dynamic characteristic of role playing games, some Ultima games featured nuanced role playing in which a player's moral choices would impact the game world.

Will Wright's city simulator spawned an entire genre of games, but the original is still just as playable as it was when it first appeared. In SimCity, a player takes on the role of a city mayor, handling zoning, managing utilities, and setting tax rates in order to cultivate a small town into a bustling metropolis.

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