Newbury Street: “The Rodeo Drive of the East”

February 6, 2013 | greystar

Newbury St. is Boston’s glittering representative of fashion and style, standing with the most exclusive districts of San Francisco, Los Angeles, and New York. But it’s also a a go-to street for everything else. It’s the place to buy your wedding dress and wedding ring; comic books and Charlie Parker 45s; a hammer and a bottle of South African wine. Certain natives say that a Newbury St. haircut is as necessary as a good pair of shoes. However, the street has a unique and eclectic character that makes it reign supreme over its snooty cousins. Broad sidewalks, ancient architecture, storefronts that extend onto the pavement, and colorful street vendors encourage a wide mix of people to congregate here. Come for Burberry, Barnes & Noble, and Urban Outfitters, sure; but stay for some of the best food in town and to catch the fast, funny, only-in-Boston vibe.

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