Clever Uses for Mayonnaise Outside the Kitchen

October 16, 2014 | greystar

You might think that you need to cut out mayonnaise in order to maintain a healthier lifestyle. While that may be true when it comes to your diet, mayonnaise has a number of creative uses in other parts of you life. Here are some of the most helpful and creative ways to use mayonnaise.

  1. Fix cracks in wood furniture. It seems unlikely, but mayonnaise is a great tool to fix cracks in your older furniture. Smear it over the crack and let it sit for a few days, and the oils will cause the wood to swell and fill in the space where the crack used to be.
  2. Condition your hair. You can splurge on the priciest hair mask at the beauty supply store, but few things work better than regular old mayonnaise. Coat your hair in mayonnaise and let it sit for a few minutes under a shower cap before thoroughly rinsing.
  3. Remove crayon stains from walls. If energetic children mark up your walls with their crayons, let mayonnaise soak on the stains for a few minutes and they’ll wipe right off.
  4. Clean tar off of your car. Smear mayonnaise on any parts of your car that are covered in tar, sap, or other sticky substances. Let it sit for a few minutes and then wipe the area with a clean cloth.

20 Uses for Mayonnaise [All You]
11 Home and Beauty Uses for Mayonnaise [Reader's Digest]
9 Surprising Non-Cooking Uses for Mayonnaise [Every Day]
10 Unexpected Home Uses for Mayonnaise [Wise Bread]

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