Preserve the Tastes of Summer With These Easy Canning Recipes

June 2, 2016 | greystar

When the weather begins to heat up, it can only mean one thing: Berry season is upon us! Preserve the flavors of summer for a bit longer by canning your favorite warm-weather fruits. Here are a few easy summer canning recipes.

Peach Preserves []
Few fruits taste more like summer than juicy peaches, and this recipe for sweet peach preserves is just as delicious as an actual peach. Spread it on crusty bread, your morning bagel or even hearty biscuits once colder weather strikes.

Pineapple Chili Salsa []
Most people don’t live in the type of climate where pineapples grow, but these tropical fruits certainly do feel like summer even if they’re store-bought. Make a zesty pineapple salsa to last you all winter long using those whole pineapples from your local grocer.

Strawberry Refrigerator Jam []
Strawberries are just as delicate as they are delicious, so elongate their short lifespans by using them in a simple, basic jam. This easy recipe is perfect for even the most novice jam-makers, and it tastes much more special than name brand versions. Best of all, it only takes a surplus of strawberries and a bit of sugar to make.

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