Water 2 Wine: Make Your Own Wine

Have you ever wanted to try to make wine yourself? No, not like that old I Love Lucy episode where Lucy and Ethel stamp the grapes. Austin’s Water 2 Wine is a full-service custom winery that lets budding vintners blend their own wine, let it age and take it home when it’s done. The process is simple: each sessions starts with a tasting, where the staff lets you sample different wines and tells you about the grapes that produced it. Then you select a juice or blend to create your very own wine with, as well as “pitching” the yeast to start the fermentation process. It takes about 45 days for your wine to be drinkable, at which point they’ll bottle it and label it for you. If you don’t want to do it yourself, Water 2 Wine also offers an excellent selection of vintages from around the world.

Water 2 Wine
4036 S. Lamar Boulevard
Austin, TX 78704
(512) 428-9463

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