4 Tips for Speed Cleaning the Bathroom

Let's face it: Cleaning the bathroom is a dirty job, but somebody's got to do it! These simple tips will help you to speed clean your bathroom quickly and effectively, even if you only have a few minutes.

  1. Invest in the right tools. Things like sponges and buckets are much more trouble than they’re worth when it comes to speed cleaning the bathroom. Stock up on pre-soaked cleaning wipes to clean surfaces, and then toss them out when you’re done. Microfiber cloths clean glass mirrors without forming streaks, and a sturdy toilet brush is always a great investment.
  2. Start with the toilet. The toilet is likely the dirtiest thing in your bathroom, so tackle it first. Pour one cup of bleach inside, brush the sides with a toilet brush, and then let it sit while you move on to the next task. At the conclusion of your cleaning routine, flush the bleach down the toilet and you’re good to go!
  3. Clean surfaces. Using a separate cleansing wipe, wipe your sink, faucets, and bathtub or shower. Separate wipes help to avoid cross-contamination between surfaces.
  4. Tidy up. If you don’t have time to wash all of your damp bath towels, simply straighten them on their racks. Be sure to replace the hand towel, however, as this is used much more frequently.

Speed Cleaning: Tips to De-Scum Your Bathroom [Good Housekeeping]
How to Speed Clean Your Bathroom [CNN]
Simplify the Season: Speed Clean Your Bathroom [Clean Mama]
Speed Cleaning Tips from Professional Cleaners [Organized Home]

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