Spruce Up Your Space With These DIY Holiday Crafts

Instead of splurging on holiday decorations from those pricey home décor stores, make your own seasonal crafts for next to nothing. Here are three holiday craft ideas that will give you a bit of extra money to spend on gifts for your loved ones.

Magazine Trees
Take an old magazine and fold it over page by page to create fan-like holiday trees with a bit of a vintage look. Once you’re done, you can even decorate the trees with tinsel and ornaments. Display them along a mantle or up the stairwell.

3D Paper Snowflakes
If you’re decorating for a holiday party at home, these 3D paper snowflakes are a fun and easy craft that you can make in bulk. Use silver or gold paper for a metallic look, or simply use white computer paper to create a whole flurry of realistic snowflakes.

Ornament-Filled Vases
If you have some leftover ornaments that didn’t fit on the holiday tree, don’t let them go to waste. Instead, create a festive centerpiece or an accent for the mantle by placing them inside of a cheap, clear vase. Add some tall branches behind the ornaments and place the whole thing somewhere that all of your guests can see.

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