How to Host a Successful Toy Swap With Your Friends, Family and Neighbors

November 19, 2015 2:31 pm

If your children are too old for their current toys but you can’t bear to simply toss them out, you may be interested in hosting a toy swap with fellow parents. A toy swap enables you to swap your child’s old or unused toys with those of other children, bringing home a whole new haul of toys without spending a penny. Here are a few tips to help you pull off a successful toy swap.

  1. Create a list of guests. Try to pick guests who you feel comfortable with, who have children in varying ages, and who live fairly close to one another.
  2. Choose the perfect location. Because of the group of people and the large amount of toys, you’ll need to hold the swap in a large, fairly spacious room. If you don’t have this type of space in your own home, see if someone else would be willing to lend their living room.
  3. Send out invitations and guidelines. Emailing invitations seems to be the most convenient way to get the word out, so include a list of guidelines for the swap at that time. Describe what types of toys to bring, if they should be cleaned beforehand, how many toys to bring, and if there are any items that you won’t accept.
  4. Make it fun. Set out snacks, make sure everyone understands the rules, and keep things light-hearted!

How To Organize a Toy Swap or Toy Exchange [About Parenting]
How to Host a Toy Swap [30 Handmade Days]
How to Throw a Toy Exchange [Shareable]

Category: Miscellaneous Tags: , , ,

Zilker Zephyr Miniature Train: All Aboard for an Adventure Through Zilker Park

November 12, 2015 2:31 pm

The Zilker Zephyr is a miniature train located in Zilker Park, and it is exactly the type of strange attraction that makes Austin so unique. The small train takes a 20- to 25-minute-long journey around the park, offering both kids and adults a way to see the area in a different light. Like any train, the Zilker Zephyr has its own train station, albeit a much smaller one than you might be used to, and the tracks wind through many different areas of the park and along the banks of the scenic Barton Creek and Lady Bird Lake. Children love to chug along the tracks aboard the Zilker Zephyr’s bright green cars, though it provides a relaxing escape from the everyday for adults as well.

The Zilker Zephyr is open 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. daily. The train departs the station every hour on the hour on weekdays and every 30 to 40 minutes on weekends.

Zilker Zephyr Miniature Train
2100 Barton Springs
Austin, TX 78704
(512) 478-8286

Category: Things To Do Tags: , ,

Happy Veterans day!

November 11, 2015 12:54 pm

Today is a day to honor the men and women who have bravely fought and continue to fight for our country. Thank you for your service!

Category: Life at Ladera Apartments Tags:

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