Trailer Food Tuesdays: Endless Food Near Lamar Union

Don't get us wrong, we're not knocking restaurants. We have our favorites. But sometimes you don't want the trouble — heck, when you live in a place like Austin, sometimes you just want to stay outside.

That's where food trucks come in. We have a lot of 'em, and each has its own cult; but can you decide between tacos and lobster rolls? And do you want to head across town to satisfy your craving?

Let Austin's Long Center help. The cultural titan near Lamar Union hosts Trailer Food Tuesdays all summer on the last Tuesday of each month. From 5 'til 9 p.m., a rotating cast of Austin's best food trucks will be waiting for you. Let the gorgeous skyline view stand in for a restaurant — there will even be live family-friendly tunes and entertainment.

Not bad, eh? And there's no catch — just show up and relax. Click here for more information.

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