How to Make a New Year’s Resolution—and Stick With It

Whether you resolve to hit the gym every day or to finally take that trip to Europe, most of us make some type of resolution for the New Year. Sticking with a New Year’s resolution for the other 364 days can be much more difficult, however, and it can take a great deal of dedication to make your goals happen. Here are a few simple ways to choose a resolution and stick with it.

  1. Stay realistic. Although the whole point of a resolution is to become better than you are today, you don’t want to pick something that’s completely out of reach. Instead of vowing to become President, for example, enroll in classes to work toward a law degree.
  2. Make a specific goal. Likewise, resolutions that are too vague will also set you up for failure. Choose something that you can monitor, like losing a certain amount of weight or visit a specific number of countries.
  3. Set aside time in your schedule. Once you finally decide on a resolution, the best way to stick with it is by setting aside a certain amount of time each day, week, or month just for that activity.
  4. Make a grand proclamation. If all else fails, call on your friends to keep you accountable. By posting your resolution online or telling a trusted confidant, you’ll feel more obligated to stick with it.

5 New Year's Resolutions You Won't Keep – And 5 You Will [Forbes]
Just 8% of People Achieve Their New Year's Resolutions. Here's How They Do It. [Forbes]
10 Tricks to Help You Actually Keep Your New Year's Resolutions [Huffington Post]
9 Ways to Keep your New Year's Resolutions [Bankrate]

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