Learn the Secrets of Making Great Crepes

Crepes are a nice change from regular pancakes, and they're often just as simple to make. These thin treats of French cuisine make a delicious meal for breakfast, lunch, or even dinner. Talented chefs the world over fill them with an array of delectable ingredients, for tastes both savory and sweet. Never made crepes? Here are some top tips.

Crepes require to you be precise in measurements, but they're remarkably simple once you've learned how. Whisk together a cup of flower and two large eggs in a large bowl. Add 1/2 cup of milk and 1/2 cup of water gradually as you mix, along with a pinch of salt and two tablespoons of melted butter. Mix until smooth.

After preparing the batter, lightly oil a frying pan over medium heat. Pouring a quarter-cup of batter will make a single crepe. Fry on each side for two minutes, flipping it with a wide, thin spatula. Crepes should be served hot.

Looking for ideas on how to stuff crepes? There are some excellent sweet and savory options. Sweet crepes are incredibly popular and commonly filled with fruit, yogurt, or even Nutella! Cooking berries with just a bit of sugar will make a delicious syrup. Savory crepes are great for lunch or dinner: fill them with prosciutto, Gorgonzola cheese, and fig preserves or diced ham, scrambled eggs, and Hollandaise sauce.

Don’t Wait Until 2013 – Get Fit Now!

The holiday season is drawing near, which means countless celebrations overflowing with fattening food, caloric drinks . . . and more food. Often we give ourselves total permission this time of year to indulge only to step on the scale in January to find that a few unwanted pounds have crept on. Instead of blaming the scale, or buying new clothes, why not start a pre-holiday routine that will keep you healthy and happy all season long. Here’s how to begin:

1. Check out that new class at your gym that you’ve been interested in trying. Don’t be afraid to shake things up in Zumba, move your feet in Hip Hop, stretch it out in Yoga, or pedal it out in Spin class. Invigorating your routine with something new is a great way to kick start your tired, old fitness routine.

2. If you’re not a gym member, try one out — the often offer promotions for potential new members like a week free or complimentary classes. Or, visit a studio that allows you to pay by the class. Once you find something you enjoy, make a commitment to stick with it!

3. DVD Training. If you prefer to exercise in the privacy of your own home, try out one of Fitness magazine’s 10 Best Workout DVDs, or flip through your cable’s exercise options on demand.

4. Set goals and surpass them. If you tend to run on the treadmill for 20 minutes at a time, kick it up to 30 minutes. Do you usually run at 5 mph on the treadmill? Why not push yourself up to 5.5 or 6.0 mph! If you continue to work in your comfort zone, you won't see the results that you're hoping for. Challenge yourself — do sprints, increase the incline, and push your endurance. Plus, surpassing your expectations will build confidence!

5. Take it outdoors. If the idea of being cooped up in a gym turns you off and keeps you from working out, head outside, instead! Enjoy a run or hike, pedal your bike or put on some roller blades and head to the streets. Or, you could even sign up for a boot camp class at your local park that utilizes the great outdoors for a workout that will make you shape up in no time.

For extra motivation, exercise with a friend—workout together first, and then you can party like its 2013!

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