Save on Your Utility Bills in 3 Steps

Who doesn't like saving money? And, if we can save while also protecting the Earth, then everybody wins! Below are a few tips to save money and protect resources by reducing your utility bills at home at Marquis at Barton Trails.

Switch your standard light bulbs over to compact fluorescent (CFL) bulbs. CFLs take a fraction of the power and last much, much longer. 

Turn off lights, appliances, and technology when you leave a room. Forgetting to turn off the lights or unplug unused chargers in an unoccupied room wastes a lot of electricity and money! The same goes for televisions and computers. A quick flip of the switch can take dollars off your electric bill.

Insulate your windows in the winter with plastic sheeting. This will keep more warm air inside the house. And, in the summertime, try to rely on the use fans and open windows to maintain cross breezes for natural cooling as much as you can.

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