Stick to Your Exercise Resolutions Throughout the Year!

We're well into 2013, a time when many people begin faltering on your New Year's Resolutions. If your goals are fitness-related, keep the momentum going and follow these simple steps for sticking with an exercise program.

Be realistic about your limits
Look at your schedule, your interests, and your current fitness level when selecting an exercise program. Be honest with yourself – taking on more than you can handle will only be discouraging. Make your goal something manageable and remember, small steps can have big results!

Try a few different workouts
Take your time finding an exercise style that appeals to you. The more you like it, the more likely you'll be to stick with it. Be open-minded and ask your friends and family for their favorite workout ideas – you never know what might work for you until you try it.

Set goals for yourself
Pick something that is challenging but within reach. Once you’ve met your goal, set a new one. Do something to reward yourself every time you meet a goal to keep your motivation at its peak.

Make exercise part of your daily routine
Try walking or biking all or part of your commute to and from work. Take the stairs instead of the elevator, every day. Work out while you’re watching TV. Build exercise into your routine and soon you won't know how to live without it!

Work out with friends
Set up a weekly walk, run or gym date with friends. You’ll have more fun, and you will serve as each other’s motivation. Also, it's a great way to hang out and visit with one another without going out to eat or for drinks.

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