The Sugar Content in These Common Foods Might Surprise You

No matter how diligently you count calories, it’s also very important to monitor your sugar intake when you’re attempting to shed a few pounds. Foods like cookies, ice cream, and sweet soft drinks are obviously off limits, but there are also a number of other sugary foods that might surprise you. Here are two common sources of sugar that might be flying under your radar.

  1. Fat-free salad dressings. Seeking out fat-free foods in the grocery store may seem like a simple way to stay on track with your diet, but many of these products attempt to maintain the same bold flavor by loading on the sugar. Salad dressings in both creamy and oil-based forms are loaded with sugar from sources like honey and concentrated fruit juice. Be sure to check the nutrition information before you buy.
  2. Multigrain cereals. Don’t just assume that all grains are automatically healthy. Multigrain cereals offer important fiber and whole grains that your body needs for energy, but unfortunately, many leading brands also include as many as six grams of sugar per cup. Many dietitians suggest opting for the plainest version of your favorite cereal and adding fresh fruit or a teaspoon of sugar instead.

15 Surprising Sources of Added Sugar [SparkPeople]
6 Surprising Sources of Sugar [Huffington Post]

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