Learn to Play the Logic Game Go

Go is an ancient board game made up of a grid-based wooden board and circular stone pieces in black and white. Opposing players each attempt to “capture” one another’s pieces by fully surrounding them with their own pieces, and the main objective of the game is to cover a larger total area of the board than the other player. While its rules are fairly simple, Go is a strategic game that is believed to improve your logical thinking and even relieve stress.

American Go Association
Like the name implies, the American Go Association connects Go players from all around the country. On their website, you can learn the basic rules of go, research its history, and research strategies before you begin to play. The site also offers a number of different ways to play the game, including online communities, computer opponents and even information about Go clubs in your area.

British Go Association
The British Go Association also offers useful information about the rules and strategy of the game, and it even features a number of video tutorials to teach new players in a more visual way. The site also includes lists of famous Go players and more information on the classic board game.

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Outdoor Games to Enjoy With Your Kids

Warm weather is here, and that means spending more time outdoors with your children. If you’re looking for some new games to add into your outdoor play repertoire, look no further. Below are some fun, simple games to take outside with you this season.

Pick-Pocket Tag
Put a ribbon, bandana, or piece of cloth in each participant’s back pocket. Once the game begins, the objective is to try to grab each other's cloth without having your own stolen. The individual with the most ribbons at the end wins.

Clown Foot Relay
Give each player 2 shoe boxes, have them tape the lids onto the boxes, and then cut a narrow opening in each box top. Have the participants slip their feet into the boxes and then race.

Blind-Fold Walk
Build an obstacle path from one end of the play area to the other. Have the players line up, and allow them to have a good look at the path. Then, one at a time, blindfold the players, and have them navigate the path without looking. Record each participant’s time to see who does it the fastest.

Body Drag
Split up into 2 teams, and give each team an old sheet or blanket. Have one participant from each team lie down on the blanket, and then the teams must pull the person on the blanket from one end of the yard to the other. Whichever team crosses the finish line first, wins the game.

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