8 Tips to Keep You and Your Children Safe in the Kitchen

Though it seems like fun to let your children help cook dinner, kitchen injuries are more common than you may think. These thought-provoking tips will show you how to keep yourself and your children safe while cooking.

1. Roll up your sleeves before using the stove. Long or draping shirt sleeves can catch fire if they come into contact with a hot stove, so make sure to dress appropriately when cooking.

2. Turn pots and pans inward. If the handles of your pots and pans hang off the edge of the stove, children can bump them and sustain dangerous burns.

3. Practice frequent hand washing. Encourage children to wash their hands before and after cooking to avoid spreading germs.

4. Take precautions with raw meat or eggs. Clean countertops, utensils, and containers carefully to prevent foodborne illnesses from meat and eggs.

5. Don’t let your children lick the spoon. While kids love to eat batter from cake or cookies, raw egg can make them sick. Tell them they can have the first taste after baking is complete.

6. Check food temperature. Using a food thermometer to check internal temperatures after cooking or baking will help ensure that food is safe to consume.

7. Sharpen knives. It may seem counterintuitive, but dull knives require much more force than sharp knives and can result in more injuries.

8. Always supervise your children. The most fun part about teaching children to cook is spending time together, so don’t forget this important tip!

Keeping Your Kitchen Safe [National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute]

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